Family Activities: Kitchen Scrap Gardening

Beaver Mountain Kitchen Scrap Gardening

At Beaver Mountain, we’re all about family! In the coming weeks, we’ll be sharing some family-friendly activities to add a little cheer and color to your days. If you’re stuck home with the kids right now, why not try your collective hand at growing veggies? Some of your favorites can actually regrow from a small piece of the original. Kitchen Scrap Gardening is easy, fun, and – as each day brings new growth – gives everyone something to look forward to! If you include the kids in every step along the way, they’ll understand and enjoy the process even more.


Celery Kitchen Scrap Gardening

Let’s start with celery. Remove it from the store packaging, pull off any damaged stalks, and
cleanly slice 1-2 inches off the base. Then, trim off a thin layer on the bottom so it can more easily pull water up into the plant, and place it in a dish of clean water. Keep it in the sun, change the water every couple of days, and be sure the container remains clean and free of debris. You’ll be surprised as how quickly it starts growing!


Growing Celery Stalks

Within a week or two, your celery will start taking off, getting more leafy and visibly greener every day. After it gets going, remove any pieces around the base that are no longer well attached. At this point, you have the option of planting it outside or in a nice little pot on the windowsill, making sure to keep all the new growth above ground.


Romaine Lettuce Kitchen Table Gardening

Now, let’s try it with romaine lettuce. Remove it from the store packaging, pull off any damaged leaves, and cleanly slice about 2 inches off the base. Then, to help the leaves stay fresh while you’re waiting for the base to regrow, store them in a plastic bag or container with a damp paper towel.


Grow Romaine Lettuce At Home

Pour some clean water in a small container. Before adding the romaine base, take your knife and shave a thin layer off the bottom of the lettuce. Place it in a sunny location (we used the dining room table) and change the water daily, making sure to rinse the container each time. After about a week, your romaine will make real progress! Regrow it in water until you’re ready to harvest.


Carrot Kitchen Table Gardening

Ready to try growing carrot greens? They’re nutritious and delicious braised or in a salad. Cut the tops off your favorite carrots, leaving at least an inch of the veggie. Place in clean water on a shallow plate in muted light (preferably not direct sunlight). As you can see, we cut ours a bit too close (oops), so we lost a few along the way. If, after a week, some show signs of mold or haven’t grown at all, discard them.


Kitchen Table Gardening Carrots

Carrots have little divots in the sides, like eyes on a potato, and that’s where the roots come out. When they do, make sure the water is high enough so those little wisps can easily reach it. After a week or two, your carrot tops will start looking like palm trees on small desert islands!


Planting Kitchen Garden At Home

Once the roots have developed a bit more, it’s time to plant the carrot tops. Cover the base and roots with soil, leaving the top growth exposed. Pat the dirt down gently so you don’t damage the delicate new roots. Water generously, making sure the pot can drain.


Harvesting Kitchen Garden

When plants are big enough to harvest, it’s fun to have kids help make meals or snacks with the food you all grew together. Enjoy and happy eating!